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UnivEl vs. MTM

How does one get Standard Data using MTM?

First you determine your macro motion, (such as pick up object), and decide on the operation; let's say it is painting. Then the macro motion is: "pick up a four inch wide painting brush". MTM then selects from tables of thousands of micro-motions (called therbligs) which give you the parts of the macro time. It takes about 100 therbligs, on the average, to make up a macro-motion. Of course, the tables of therbligs do not contain your exact motion requirements, so there must be interpolations amongst the various tables to determine the value of each micro motion time.

When you have completed the selection or computation of all of the 100 or so micro motion times, they are added up to give you the resulting time for the macro motion - pickup object. To achieve Standard Data, one then takes the results for this one case and recomputes the therbligs for a range of different motion pattern variations and brushes for this same macro motion and, using all of these results, computes an average time for the range of motions involved in the painting operation and this becomes the Standard Data Time for the operation PAINTING. Using Standard Data removes all of the complexities of using Therbligs, the interpolation and calculation of micro motions and gives you a time directly.

If you want just a quick approximation for a PAINTING operation, this method is OK. But if you want to determine how to improve your present methods, or find out which methods are the critical time users, THEN STANDARD DATA IS NOT YOUR METHOD.

Standard Data is used by MTM users only because the regular MTM method of calculating times is SO TIME CONSUMING. Also, if one wants to modify work or the workplace to find a better way to do the job — YOU CAN'T. Or if one wants to compare what the worker does in the shop, element by work element — YOU CAN'T. NOT WITH STANDARD DATA.

Here are just some of the problems with using Standard data:

Standard data does not describe work, element by element.

Standard data is only a rough approximation to the work done because it uses broad representations of the work, applicable to a generic operation type, such as painting, irrespective of the specifics of the work motions involved in the specific painting application.

Because this Standard data is not specific to your particular work methods, it cannot let you do work analysis element by element in order to determine better ways of getting the same job done.

Standard Data does not give you an exact set of work instructions with which to control the shop floor personnel involved.

Standard data does not generate the exact work methods you are using on the shop floor because it is a general approximation to the methods used for this type of operation. So, if you want to reflect what is being done on the shop floor in your analysis — don't use Standard Data.

Engineering of the best methods does not work if your data does not resolve down to individual work elements. MTM with Standard Data is fast because it leaves out so much manufacturing work information. If you were to use MTM at the proper level of information for analysis, it would be ten times slower in application than UnivEl.

Standard data leaves out the dynamics of the workplace. Where is the PF&D put into the work? How do you account for different frequencies of process? How do you adjust for changes in machine process variables? How do you include Simultaneous moves during processing? How do you compare different Cell Designs with SIMO and variable worker team size and intra cell movement? YOU CAN'T. BUT UnivEl CAN.

UnivEl can do it all because it does all the work at a work element level — with no data approximations. UnivEl produces real methods, that match the real work requirements and the exact workplace geometry and moves made in real life on the shop floor, in the specific workplace.

UnivEl always gives you an exact answer for an exact method, so when you apply these methods to the shop floor there is no question about how long the work should take or what methods, exactly, to use. With UnivEl the software generates the work using groups of work elements, one element at a time. Each work element has its own time, as accurate as a stop watch, because the work time is generated from a model of a real human being doing work. There are no Therbligs in the background. No table lookups. No standard data. Only real times generated from the exact macro motions that the worker is doing in the real environment.

The system works just as though you had gone out to the shop floor and measured each part of the method with a real stopwatch. UnivEl is that exact. And that easy to use. So, when you produce a new standard, it reflects what is really going on in the shop. If you want to improve your work methods or decrease the cost of production, you need a software system that lets you look at every work element of every operation, just the way it is being done on the shop floor — accurately and exactly.

UnivEl includes the exact machine process formulas and algorithms and therefore includes internal process times within a work cycle, as well as the ability to vary the process parameters so that one can look at all of the work dynamics for work analysis purposes. UnivEl produces emulations of the workplace with the human in it and then uses a computer stopwatch to measure the time needed for each work element — just like real stopwatch studies on the shop floor. UnivEl does these calculations fast — at computer speeds — and accurately by having a human model with standard pace built in and with performance at a constant level during the measurement.

UnivEl breaks up the work into work elements in the same way that shop floor personnel do, so that when a time is produced, the shop personnel involved can understand how the time was arrived at, element by element. This aspect of UnivEl alone, has kept it from being challenged successfully by union or other shop workers — no other software can make that statement. Because UnivEl operates like one of your workers on the shop floor, it can be customized to the way you do manufacturing so that analysis is a natural process. Once UnivEl is knowledge engineered to fit your company's manufacturing needs, it will give you great capabilities to analyze your work methods and produce accurate study results which let you determine the best work methods for your product.


What is Wrong with Standard Data?

  Leaves out the Dynamics of the Workplace.

  Leaves out the PF&D in the Analysis process.

  Leaves out machine Process variable adjustments.

  Leaves out simultaneous moves during the processing.

The MCIE III PLUS with UnivEl Does it Right AND UnivEl and the MCIE III PLUS Adds In:

  Real moves based on exact workplace geometry

  Emulation of the workplace with the model human inside

  Fast and Accurate calculations using a computer stopwatch

  Built-in Standard pace

  Understandable methods which exactly reflect your shop floor personnel's methods.

The MCIE III PLUS includes all of these !!

Why the MCIE III PLUS with UnivEl is the Best:

  Produces reproducible and exacting time values
  Contains accepted pace and constant performance level
  Uses an ideal human as a model and adapts it to your exact conditions
  Ten times faster in use than MTM, and costs ten times less to use

Produces consistent answers.

  Tested in over 60 different industries with proven accuracy of 5%

   Results just like a stopwatch, truly reflecting the work done

  Integrates process formulas with manufacturing work results

  Uses Intelligent engineering systems so anyone can use it

  UnivEl is customized to the individual user's exact needs

  Generates clear, English-language instructions

Generates element by element work methods with full documentation of the actual work being performed on the shop floor.

  Automatically generates a manufacturing database as you generate standards

  Other systems use standard data which is an averaged work set derived from a range of other work applications — not yours.

  Relies on your actual motions and work conditions to generate custom times — not on some general set of "therbligs" selected for you.

  Computes exact, not averaged times for the actual motions and difficulty of work.

What Is Wrong With Standard Data?

  Can't easily customize this data to your specific work station and work difficulty.

  Can't tell which methods are the critical time users.

  Can't modify the workplace to optimize the work and cost.

  Can't compare worker performance either by element or location.

UnivEl Can Do It Right !

(For More on Work Measurement CLICK HERE)


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